• After purchase at net shop etc, we will inspect the goods that arrived at our company. It is checked whether it matches the requested item or there is no damage.
  • If you cannot purchase items. After contacting customers, please refund, wait restocking, purchase alternative products. We will charge actual expenses related to purchase.
  • Please understand that we will bear the transfer fee for refund. Please understand that returned goods after purchase, exchange can not be accepted.
  • Please understand that our company will not receive any responsibility when returned goods, exchange occurred to the seller at the time the goods arrived.In the unlikely event that returns and exchanges occur, all expenses will be borne by customers.
  • Depending on the country of the delivery destination, customs duties may occur at customs clearance. Regarding customs duties, it is necessary to pay when receiving goods.
  • Damages such as breakage, loss delay of goods occurred during overseas shipping are compensated for damages by third-party transportation agencies due to damages compensation provisions. We will ask customers to insurance claims at that time. We will not bear any responsibility if confiscation of goods occurs in customs inspection of each country but our company will support as much as possible so please understand.
  • Customer will be responsible for transfer fee.